时间:2023-08-14 来源:原创 作者:admin

8月14日,中治矛盾纠纷预防与多元化解管理中心(以下简称中治中心)主任、中国仲裁法学研究会仲裁与调解专业委员会常务副主任兼秘书长王辉明;中南财经政法大学 2021 级国际法博士研究生张亚军;武汉市律师协会仲裁工作委员会副秘书长、中南财经政法大学 2023 级国际法博士研究生程从文;中南财经政法大学 2022 级国际法博士研究生廖妍然;原景洪市城投管道燃气公司副董事长,党支部书记李春梅一行8人,到访昆明东盟国际贸易投资促进会(以下简称东促会)开展调研和座谈。

August 14, Wang Huiming, Director of Zhongzhi Conflict Prevention and Multi-resolution Management Center, as well as Executive Deputy Director and Secretary General of China Academy of Arbitration Law; Zhang Yajun, PhD Candidate of International Law, Class of 2021, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law; Cheng Congwen, Deputy Secretary General of Arbitration Committee of Wuhan Lawyers' Association,as well as PhD Candidate of International Law, Class of 2023, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law; Liao Yanran, PhD Candidate of International Law, Class of 2022, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. Li Chunmei, primary Vice Chairman of Jinghong City Investment Pipeline Gas Company and Party Branch Secretary and her entourage of 8 persons visited Kunming ASEAN International Trade and Investment Promotion Association (KAIPA) to carry out a survey and have a discussion.





Director Wang and his entourage focused on two aspects of the research: on one side, how the International Legal Service Complex in Kunming Area of the Pilot Free Trade Zone can actively promote the development of international port cities - with the perspective of the Maohan Port. On the other side, the research on diversified prevention and resolution mechanism of disputes in international economic and trade cooperation among enterprises in Yunnan Province's FTZ in the context of RCEP.


Han Weiming Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and He Xi Deputy Secretary General of KAIPA participated in the symposium.